
We are a small group of artists who all share the same passion, the joy of creativity, whether it be drawing, painting, sculpture, photography or many other of the visual arts that we all see in our every day lives.

Practicing our various talents give us immense pleasure and who is there better to share it with than you!

Someone like you, who takes the time to read our website and find out what we at artforlifessake.com are all about.

You may have seen a flyer or stumbled across some of our work on display somewhere, maybe you have seen a vehicle with our logo on it and web address who knows, but I know this, we all have something in common, each and every one of us knows someone maybe family, friends or work colleagues who has been affected by cancer!

Cancer affects us all in one way or another and we at artforlefessake.com have decided to do something to help, all of the original works and prints that you can see on this site or at the various exhibitions we hold are for sale and sold on the basis that all of the money generated (apart from debit/credit card charges) goes to Cancer research uk to help further the treatment and care that people with cancer need.

We started out in mid August 2014 and so far up to November 2015 the total is running at almost £8,000.00. we hope to continue to raise as much as possible with people like you supporting us, anyone who has or has had cancer deserves our support and as I said earlier cancer affects us all.

We have begun creating limited edition prints of selected works and hopefully we will be having online auctions of the originals fairly soon, we will also be selling more works online with a direct link to Cancer research UK for payment.

So if you think you can help in any way please contact us ( WE NEED MORE ARTISTS! )

We are always on the lookout for new venues to display our work and of course artists to help create work for display.

STOP PRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

28th November a night at the races at Waters edge Bramerton we raised £1100.00 from the races and £375.00. on art sales.

Many thanks to Lee and the staff at Waters edge, the great entertainment from the guys running the race event but most of all a big thank you to everyone who attended and gave support to Cancer research uk our total now is almost £8000.00. thank you so much.

January 2016………We have a new sponsor the Dower House Indian restaurant in Bawtry, not only are they going to display work in the restaurant they have also purchased two paintings from us for £550.00.  Our thanks go to them.

Not to be left out The Whithouses restaurant on London road Retford sold a painting for £145.00. Many thanks go to Racheal and Jonathon for allowing us to display our work.

Our total now stands at £8,695.00. Thanks to everyone.

We are hoping to have an exhibition later this year in Cyprus I’ll keep you posted….


Regards Peter Tooby.